
Friday, March 29, 2013

A Bad Week

First thing first: I hadn't managed to pass the regional selection for the olympiade. And I had been having a quite bad week ever since.

Though some of us managed to, anyway. But they're taking biology, computer, astronomy, physics and other. None from the math category passed. Such a shame.

I don't wanna make any excuse, but really... the questions were freaking hard. And I'm not used to do such questions in a short time... yet. There are questions based on lessons which I hadn't yet learned, too. What more, they're all essay, unusually different from the last years'

I've made up my mind to have a shot again, though. And I hope a good one it is gonna be.

But! It's not over. I would never had a bad week just because failing at a selection. The matter is, I had my school report taken yesterday and I'm quite dissappointed of myself and really ashamed.

I'm getting worse. The last term I managed to get a 97 at math previous term, and now... 77! Even though I knew the exam was quite easy! Perhaps because I was running out of time when doing SPLTV and answer incorrectly at math logic. I was always in a hurry and became less aware.. a bad habit of mine.

I slidded down at Chemistry, too. This matter is most unforgiveable. I loved Chemistry, and I practically teach the other at KIR extraculicular, or in class.

And I only done fairly at Indonesian, yet I liked it dearly and sometimes boast about the high mark I got on my writings. So did at Geography, which I found (or thought) was very easy.

That's it. I got all conceited and became too self-confident. I have my marks way smaller than I thought it ought to be. Serves me right!

Anyway, I managed to keep my position - 2nd rank - which was queer because I hadn't done many tasks and did a horrible paper on exam. But.. I secretly had hoped I could out done that Mr. First Rank.

My parents didn't mad at me. Let alone blame and yell at me. I'm mad at myself. Yeaah, I know rank and marks doesn't mean everything, and I knew I hadn't met many serious obstacles whilst doing the exam... but again, I hoped I can show that I can do well without cheating, swapping answers, even googling like many of them.

So, dear friends, here's the lesson I learned. A bit of confidence is good to help you collect some pluck and courage. Too much of it will make of you someone you wouldn't even recognize. Maybe confidence is like fire; nice and useful yet burning and if there are too much of them.

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