
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Arcs of Wonder

Rabu 15 Mei. 5.25 PM.

I was exhausted. My bag is most heavy on Monday and Wednesday that it hurts my shoulders, but today it's waay heavier than usual. That's because I was bringing my notebook along, additional weight of 1.5 kg, to do some work I hadn't done at school.

Keluar dari angkot, aku berjalan menuju rumah. It had been raining cats and dogs before, but it's stopping. Before I arrived at home, I stopped too. I could feel a warm feeling on my skin which was soft and comforting; the sunlight, that is. I saw the sun is setting and I glanced at the opposite direction.

Nothing. Tapi aku punya firasat kuat tentang apa yang akan terjadi. Sembari menimbang-nimbang apa yang akan kulakukan, kilauan warna muncul perlahan dari ketiadaan di langit. Kini tanpa berpikir aku langsung sprint ke rumah, nyaris melempar tas ke lantai, menyambar kamera dan lari keluar lagi.

It's getting clearer now. I marveled at it for a while, then I ran to the top of the hill. Oh yeah, for the record, my house is located halfway to it. On the way, I texted my friend Fi:

"Akulah peramal cuaca! Aku melihat pertanda, aku menunggu di tengah hujan, and there it is! A rainbow!"

All right, I may had been too enthusiastic, but if I recall correctly it was the first rainbow I see this year. And I never get bored or stop thinking how beautiful and wonderful rainbows are.

I did run to the top of the hill, but I was stopping here and there to take photos. It was marvelous, but even more marvelous was when the second rainbow appeared.

The only thing I regret is, I hadn't managed to reach the perfect spot in time. The one I was running to. By the time I got there, the rainbows were already fading. But still, I thank God. The last rainbow's blur and faint, but then it became a bit more vivid for a minute or two. Thanks to that, I managed to take some photographs.

Finally, it was dark. Pleased, I went back to my home and realized that I still wear my uniform. But at the front door I only felt emptiness. It's kinda sad, because I had no one to share this wonder with. Well, my family would be back in 5 days or a week.

Kamis, 16 Mei. 5.10 PM

Aku baru berjalan keluar dari sekolah, bersama anak-anak Math Club dan pembimbing kami sekalian. Guru matematika yang masih muda, berjilbab dan imut-imut itu selalu menawariku tumpangan setengah jalan dengan motornya. Dan tak bisa aku tolak, sebab sebisa mungkin aku menghemat uang ongkos yang ada.

It's not half an hour later that I witnessed the same phenomenon. And I was delighted. It's not everytime you could see rainbows two days in a row, could you?

Unfortunately, I hadn't got my camera with me.

Tapi aku masih bingung. Bagaimana mungkin orang di jalan bisa begitu ignorant dengan keajaiban seperti ini? They only glanced it for a sec and then froget it. As for me, aku penggemar berat pelangi dari dulu.

Di sinilah aku tiba-tiba dihantam kenangan. Bukankah dulu aku pernah menulis lagu tentang pelangi? Lagu itu masuk album rekaman sekolah. Dan ide itu pun di dapat ketika aku melihat pelangi dulu, kelas 2 atau 3 SD, saat di perjalanan pulang. Kalau tak salah, the lyrics are something like this: "Pelangi, janganlah kau menghilang/ ditengah gelapnya malam/ oh pelangi, temani kami/ oh pelangi, sinari kami"

I love rainbows!

Jumat, 29 Mei. 06.28 AM.

Langkanya. Pelangi di pagi hari. Tapi indah juga.

Sepertinya hari ini bakal ada sesuati yang baik terjadi. Entahlah. Pelangi kan terbentuk karena adanya butiran hujan dan cahaya matahari. Jika keburukan disimbolkan dengan hujan dan kebaikan dengan cahaya matahari, thus today there will be both... namun, sesuatu yang indah akan muncul sebagai akibatnya. Nggak perlu dipercaya; cuma anggapan ngasal saya saja.

Dan memang ada sesuatu yang buruk.


  1. Heh. Sudah nggak jadi kabar buruk lagi, sih. I'll tell you some other time.
